
Birthkeeping Consultation
Our first consultation is all about getting to know each other. It is your opportunity to ask any questions you have about me and the care I offer, and to decide if you would like me to accompany you on your birthing journey.

A slow, deep-tissue massage which provides relief from a hectic lifestyle, and grounds you in the present moment. The Earth treatment allows you to let go of life’s stresses in complete relaxation, leaving you with positive intentions and an increased level of focus.

A slow, rhythmical body-massage which harnesses the cleansing power of breath. Working with your own breathing flow throughout, the Air experience will heal the nervous system, bringing a transformational sense of calm to the body, mind and spirit.

Pregnancy massage
The ultimate relaxation treatment for mind and body at a most important time. A Pregnancy massage will bring increased physical comfort in a multitude of ways, as well as creating connection between you and your baby. It will ease discomfort in tense and tight areas throughout the body, such as the back, neck and legs. By stimulating circulation, this treatment can help to eliminate toxins and reduce fatigue. Furthermore, it will reduce the tension and cramps which can cause insomnia. The healing effects of this special treatment will also be felt by those who experience swelling or sciatic pain.

Kobido Face Massage
A face massage unlike any other, the Kobido is a treatment that is given with true intention, harmonising the energy within us. The stimulating movements from the Kobido Master will lead you to a sense of calm and bring you back to wellbeing.

A fast, invigorating, hot-oil massage which energizes and motivates for the upcoming day. Using the highest quality essential oils, the Fire experience will open up your body’s natural energy flow, and stimulate your creativity. We highly recommend receiving this treatment in the morning.

Created especially for women, our deeply relaxing Water massage uses the Rebozo technique to make you feel nurtured and restored. Inspired by the traditional Mexican ritual which marks the end of pregnancy, you will be wrapped in woven shawls and cradled in restorative holds which release tension and centre your energies. During this blissful treatment, you will also be suffused in an herbal-bath.

Womb / fertility massage
Womb and Fertility Massage Therapy™ draws on ancient wisdom passed down through the ages; woman to woman, mother to daughter. By nurturing and unwinding pressures over the back and abdomen, this treatment works in a gentle and soothing way over the reproductive system. This non-invasive therapy uses release techniques to encourage harmony and balance within the body. The aim of the massage is to improve blood-circulation, thus rejuvenating the reproductive cells with the flow of nutrients, hormones and oxygen.

For the ultimate therapeutic experience, Ariana offers a bespoke combination treatment that will immerse all the senses in a feeling of absolute relaxation and wellbeing.
Using a multitude of techniques and guided by her intuition, Ariana masterfully incorporates the elements of Fire, Earth and Air, seamlessly interlaced with the ancient art of the rejuvenating Kobido face massage.
With a sumptuous blend of quality oils and hot towels, this luxurious treatment for mind, body and soul allows you receive a plethora of healing experiences in one.
The element of fire brings fast and vigorous touch which opens the body’s energy flow, leaving you with a deep feeling of calm alertness. In combination with the powerful techniques of Air, Ariana mixes slow rhythmical touch with cleansing breathwork, bringing a transformative peace to the spirit. The intensive deep-tissue massage of Earth, brings forth positive intentions and increased focus, allowing you to let go of the stresses of life and to arrive in the pure bliss of the present moment.
This extra-special transformational treatment touches and soothes from crown to soul to toe, leaving you in a sublime state of grounded positivity and relaxation.